Larvikite vs Black Moonstone: A Comparative Analysis


When it comes to selecting a gemstone for jewelry or spiritual purposes, the options can seem endless. Two popular stones on the market today are Larvikite and Black Moonstone. Both have unique properties and benefits, but how do they compare? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at these two stones and see how they stack up against each other.


Larvikite is a beautiful and intriguing stone that is named after the town of Larvik in Norway, where it was first discovered. It is a form of monzonite, a type of plutonic igneous rock. Larvikite is characterized by its dark, smoky grey color and its unique iridescence, which is caused by the presence of feldspar crystals.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties

In addition to its unique appearance, Larvikite also has a number of physical and metaphysical properties. Physically, Larvikite is said to be grounding and calming. It is also believed to have a protective energy that shields the wearer from negative energy and electromagnetic radiation.

Metaphysically, Larvikite is associated with the third eye chakra, and is said to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight. It is also believed to be a stone of transformation and manifestation, helping to bring about positive changes in one’s life.

Uses in Jewelry and Other Applications

Larvikite is a popular stone for jewelry-making, and can be used in a variety of different styles. Its dark color and iridescence make it a versatile stone that can be paired with a range of metals and other stones. In addition to jewelry, Larvikite is also used in the construction industry, and is known for its durability and resistance to weathering.

Benefits and Healing Properties

In addition to its physical and metaphysical properties, Larvikite also has a number of healing benefits. It is believed to be a stone of emotional healing, helping to release negative emotions and promote inner peace. It is also said to have a calming effect on the mind and body, making it a useful stone for those who struggle with anxiety or stress.

Black Moonstone

Black Moonstone is a type of feldspar that is characterized by its dark, black color and its iridescence. It is sometimes referred to as “Larvikite Moonstone” because of its similarities to Larvikite.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties

Like Larvikite, Black Moonstone has a number of physical and metaphysical properties. Physically, it is said to be a grounding and protective stone, helping to shield the wearer from negative energy and electromagnetic radiation.

Metaphysically, Black Moonstone is associated with the new moon and is said to have a strong connection to feminine energy. It is believed to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight, and is often used in meditation and other spiritual practices.

Uses in Jewelry and Other Applications

Black Moonstone is a popular stone for jewelry-making, and is often used in pieces that are designed to promote spiritual and emotional healing. Its dark color and iridescence make it a striking stone that can be paired with a range of metals and other stones. In addition to jewelry, Black Moonstone is also used in crystal grids and other spiritual practices.

Benefits and Healing Properties

In addition to its physical and metaphysical properties, Black Moonstone also has a number of healing benefits. It is said to be a stone of emotional healing, helping to release negative emotions and promote inner peace. It is also believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body, making it a useful stone for those who struggle with anxiety or stress. Black Moonstone is also believed to be a stone of protection, helping to ward off negative energy and promote a sense of safety and security.

Comparison between Larvikite and Black Moonstone

While Larvikite and Black Moonstone share some similarities, there are also some notable differences between the two stones.

Similarities between the two stones

Both Larvikite and Black Moonstone are known for their grounding and protective properties, and both are believed to enhance intuition and spiritual insight. They are both also associated with emotional healing and can be useful for those who struggle with anxiety or stress.

Differences in appearance, properties, and uses

While both are dark and iridescent, Larvikite has a greyish-blue hue while Black Moonstone is pure black. In terms of properties, Larvikite is known for its durability and resistance to weathering, making it a popular choice for use in construction. Black Moonstone, on the other hand, is associated with the new moon and feminine energy.

In terms of uses, both stones are popular in jewelry-making and are used in a variety of styles. However, Black Moonstone is often used in pieces that are designed for spiritual and emotional healing, while Larvikite can be used in a wider range of applications.

Which stone is better for certain purposes or situations

Deciding which stone is better for a particular purpose or situation depends on individual preferences and needs. Those looking for a stone that is grounding and protective may prefer Larvikite, while those seeking a connection to feminine energy may prefer Black Moonstone. Those interested in using the stone for construction purposes may find Larvikite to be a better choice, while those interested in spiritual and emotional healing may prefer Black Moonstone.

How to choose between Larvikite and Black Moonstone

When choosing between Larvikite and Black Moonstone, it’s important to consider factors such as personal preferences, intended use, and budget. It can be helpful to hold both stones and see which one feels more resonant, or to do research on the properties and uses of each stone to determine which one will best serve your needs.


Both Larvikite and Black Moonstone are beautiful and unique stones with a range of physical and metaphysical properties. While they share some similarities, they also have notable differences in appearance, properties, and uses. Choosing between the two stones depends on individual preferences and needs, and it’s important to do research and consider all factors before making a decision. Ultimately, both stones can be useful for spiritual and emotional healing, and can bring a sense of grounding and protection to those who use them.